Wellington Wander Search is a trust that is being set up to support Police searching for people living with Autism, Dementia or Alzheimers. The group is similar to others operating around N.Z. and will use the WandaTrak system that has been adopted by organisations such as LandSAR. John Andrews ZL2HD and Ray Harkness ZL2REES, members of the Wellington VHF Group, have initiated Wander Search in Wellington, based on interest in the search technology, Radio Direction Finding (RDF or "fox hunting"), and the Wellington VHF Group association with search and rescue organisations, through Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (AREC). One area that they are keen to explore is improvements to the system, or effective alternatives.

The Wellington Wander Search Trust is looking for support from people who are keen to search, train, raise funds, or help with administration. To stimulate this the group sponsored a presentation to the members of the Wellington VHF Group, demonstrating some WandaTrak gear. The OC SAR for Wellington Police was present at the presentation to explain the importance of this initiative and why it is being undertaken.
Contact John ZL2HD, or Ray ZL2REES if you would like to know more. Or, you can contact Wellington Wander Search via the contact form on the Wellington VHF Group Inc website at www.vhf.org.nz with Wander Search in the subject.
What is WandaTrak?
The WandaTrak systems are comprised of either a pendant, or watch, which is worn by the person living with Autism, Dementia or Alzheimers. This is a radio beacon that emits a pulse that is detected by a radio-tracking unit with a directional antenna. The system identifies the wearer and reduces the amount of time and resources used to locate a missing person.