
Admin Notices, particularly regarding the website and technical matters.

Pending Update to WVHFG Website core software

Hi Folks

Some of you may have noticed the odd PHP error on the website (and for some time!)

Basically the website core software is due for an update, and though i've had the best intentions around doing so, I havn't managed it yet.

I wish to acknowledge this and let you know I do intend to do it (and hopefully sometime soon), so at some point in the near future will be a brief period of website downtime.

Apologies for the inconvenience - and for the transient errors in the interim.

Mark Foster ZL1VMF
Webmaster, Wellington VHF Group

Presidents Report WNVHF Group

Another year has gone by so quickly. Maybe it’s a sign of my increasing seniority… WNVHF Group has a wonderful committee that just gets things done, the only problem is, recognising how much work is getting done.

It is with some trepidation that we have Gavin standing down as Q-Bit editor after 7 years in the job. There will be a challenge to fill the shoes of a loyal and hardworking editor who made it seem easy by producing a quality journal month after month. I wish him well in his future endeavours.

Presidents Report

Well that was an interesting year. Started with the possible loss of Kordia Sites and in particular "Breaking" of the National System. An extended power outage at the Belmont 710 sites (Only power from a Genset 2-4 hours a day) followed by District Plan Changes that got parts suddenly changed at the end of consultation.

Beacon, Digi & Repeater maps published

Maps of the New Zealand Amateur Radio beacons, digipeaters and repeaters using Google Maps are now avaliable on the VHF Group Website at .

The maps are available as maps embedded into this website, displayed in Googler Maps and as KMZ files that can be displayed using Google Earth or any other software that reads KMZ files. These maps contain information from the following sources: