Hawkins Hill 6625 - 2m Data Repeater

Repeater name: Hawkins Hill Data 6625

Image courtesy Paul Miller ZL2BEZ
Operating Freqs: 146.625 MHz Output
146.025 MHz Input
(-600kHz split)
Modes: FM, 1200 Baud data
Packet Radio and other data forms
Location: Hawkins Hill, Wellington
BQ31 450237
Trustees: Peter Cobb ZL3TC
Leon Toorenburg ZL2AOC
Licence: 177983
Photo: 6625 four dipole array

Hawkins Hill 6625 provides 1200 Baud data coverage for most of Wellington city and suburbs plus Lower Hutt, Wainuiomata, and Upper Hutt; Marlborough; and Horowhenua.