The Wellington VHF Group offers an in-house Amateur Radio Examination, Certificate and Callsign service to members
The Group has the services of two fully-qualified and MED-approved "Approved Radio Examiners" (ARX) appointed to oversee the operation.
The service will provide all the examining, certificate, callsign and licensing services possible for VHF Group members from the Spectrum Management and Registration Technology (SMART), the facility provided by the Ministry of Economic Development's Radio Spectrum Management Group.
A service for new radio amateurs
This service includes a full examination system with Question-Bank and free Study Notes. Special provision is made for visually-disabled candidates. Assistance can be provided to other Branches with such candidates.
Examination candidates new to Amateur Radio will not be charged an examination fee and will receive a complimentary membership of the VHF Group for an initial period.
Tutors and Mentors for new candidates are being drawn from across the Group's membership, it is a Branch effort.
Certificate and Callsign Services for Group members
No fee will be charged to members of the Wellington VHF Group for certificate and callsign services.
Radio amateurs who are not already members of the Wellington VHF Group are welcome to apply for membership to avail themselves of these services.
Amateur Radio Study Guide (Opens in a New Window) | Contact the Wellington VHF Group ARX (Or; email arx {at } vhf[.]nz instead) |
We will help you to achieve the Amateur Radio qualification, from a cold start to reaching the standard and an examination pass with your own certificate and callsign.
The Wellington VHF Group is proud to lead the way in providing comprehensive Amateur-Radio membership promotion services.