2013 saw another successful award in this regular series. This year the award focussed on the geography of New Zealand’s cities, suburbs and towns. The big challenge was how many cities, suburbs and towns could be contacted during the award.
Points were accumulated for contacts with Amateurs in each of these three categories, as well as bonus points being available for contact with National System Trustees. Several Trustees volunteered points, special thanks to these operators ZL1AAF, ZL1GWP, ZL2KG, ZL2DW, ZL2BCA, ZL3VP, and ZL4GR.
The most prolific collector was John ZL2ADN, who persevered right throughout the award duration. We are pleased to feature John’s achievement in the accompanying picture.

A lot of fun ensued, and we’ve all learned more about our national geography during this award.
Art credit for the award certificate:Todd Hatten (no Call), toddhattenillustration@gmail.com.
Dick Greenbank ZL2TGQ.
Award Custodian, 2013.