
Events of the Wellington VHF Group

Christmas Picnic Dinner

In place of the committee meeting this month we will be having a picnic dinner, come along and join the committee for a picnic dinner at Willowbank Reserve in Tawa:

Branch 50/74 Lunch and Shed Workshop Event

Homebrew Transceiver

On 1 March from 12 noon -3pm we will be meeting for a light lunch at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH

Branch 50 NZART will be ordering in a light fingerfood lunch (savouries and sandwiches) as the hosts for the joint event for Branch 50 and Branch 74 members.

Venue: Mike’s Garage, 2 Derry Hill, Churton Park (Please park on roadside outside QTH or on Amesbury Drive)

January Meeting- Combined Branches BBQ at Kapiti

Hello and Happy New Year!

Our only meeting this month is a BBQ with the Kapiti Branch on Saturday 25 January from midday.  We will be at QEII park picnic area 7 and entry is via Wellington Road, Paekakariki. (access from Paekakariki  and you will need to bring everything- even shade and a seat! There is plenty of space and last year was a lovely afternoon.  If you can bring a BBQ to cook on (gas only), please do so if you don't have one, I'm sure you can share space on one.