Amateurs in the South Island celebrate the return of 6 Metres carries an article featuring George Boorer ZL3PN, and discusses the return of access to 6 Metres (~54Mhz) with the shutdown of the conflicting Analogue TV network.
6 Metres - referred to as the 'Magic Band' by some - has had very limited use in New Zealand for many years, due to the close proximity of the Analogue VHF TV transmission.
Pending Update to WVHFG Website core software
Hi Folks
Some of you may have noticed the odd PHP error on the website (and for some time!)
Basically the website core software is due for an update, and though i've had the best intentions around doing so, I havn't managed it yet.
I wish to acknowledge this and let you know I do intend to do it (and hopefully sometime soon), so at some point in the near future will be a brief period of website downtime.
Apologies for the inconvenience - and for the transient errors in the interim.
Mark Foster ZL1VMF
Webmaster, Wellington VHF Group
Digital Television Tests – Bulletin No.8
The unmodulated CW carrier on 506 MHz has been turned off, on the completion of coverage testing. Our thanks go to everyone who provided a reception report.
A prototype 2-way splitter, being one third of the 4-way drive splitter, has successfully passed all tests. A similar prototype, a 2-way combiner designed for higher power operation, is now under construction.
Digital Television Tests – Bulletin No.7
Transmission of the unmodulated CW carrier continues on 506 MHz, with horizontal polarisation. Reception reports are welcome.
Four power amplifier modules have been constructed and tested one-at-a-time with the digital exciter. Their gain and linearity match within half a dB. The four modules will operate in parallel to achieve the licensed power.
A 4-way drive splitter and 4-way output combiner have been designed and are under construction.
Digital Television Tests – Bulletin No.6
Transmission of the unmodulated CW carrier continues on 506 MHz, with horizontal polarisation. Reception reports are welcome.
Adjustment and testing of the digital modulator is complete.
The prototype power amplifier module has been constructed and is now undergoing quality testing. Once testing is complete another three modules will be constructed. The four modules will operate in parallel to achieve the licensed power.
VHF-UHF-SHF-EHF Contest News - DX Weekend 2013 Contest - Preliminary Results
It appears NZART InfoLine was a bit ahead of the WVHFG Webmaster. With apologies for the delay, the following is from Doug Ingham ZL2TAR, Contest Manager:
Claimed scores are subject to Log cross-checks and Audit
Please report all errors to:
Band Band
Callsign Locator Points Callsign Locator Points
6 m (51 MHz) 13 cm (2400 MHz)
ZL4AA RE54fe 380 ZL2BKC RF70br 4