
Meetings of the Wellington VHF Group

Show and Tell at the May Meeting

The May meeting followed up the formal business with a Show and Tell.

We had six speakers and two new guests introduced themselves- they have migrated to Wellington with their SAR search dogs, cats and radio gear from Finland. Previously they had worked for a small Finnish company called Nokia! Teemu is now ZL2MRJ and Mira is ZL2GEE.

The talks:

Remit Voting for 2010 NZART Conference

At the May General meeting the Group voted on the remits for NZART Conference in June.

The results are:

Remit 1: For
Remit 2: Against
Remit 3: For
Remit 4: For
Remit 5: Against
Remit 6: For
Vote on NZART President's Entry Level Licence Question (part of remit 4): Against

The delegates were given discretion.

ZL2TVM and ZL2HD were appointed as delegates.

Gavin ZL2TVM New Life Member of VHF Group

At the May 2010 meeting of the Group, Gavin ZL2TVM was elected as a Life Member for his outstanding and long service to the Group. This was carried with acclamation.

Gavin joined the Group around 1999 and became a contester, spending time on hill tops and setting up gear. He was very active in the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and often had new projects to share with members. Gavin served as secretary for some time and has been Q-Bit Editor for the last ~5 years.