
Meetings of the Wellington VHF Group

January Meeting - Combined BBQ with Kāpiti Branch

The January meeting is a combined meeting is a combined BBQ with Kāpiti Branch at QE2 Park Paekākāriki, enter via Wellington Road then Queen Elizabeth Road and meet in the open area indicated by the red cross in the photo .

BYO food, drinks , portable chairs , ground rug etc. There is some seating in the park. For those bringing a BBQ it must be GAS (no wood or charcoal).

XYLs YLs & family also welcome.

Bring bikes to explore the tracks around the park .

Date: Saturday 30 January 2020

Time: From midday

September Meeting - Join us for dinner at 6:30

Breaking News: 

With the return to level 1 this week, we are going to have our 50th celebration dinner at 6:30 pm at the meeting room in Tawa on Thursday 24 September.

We will have a few pizzas there, but feel free to bring something to eat. We will have soft drinks, tea and coffee, but you can bring anything you like.

This will be followed by our main meeting and special guest speaker, Shalini Divya who will be giving a presentation on her research into Aluminium-ion batteries.

April Meeting - Ian Hutchings ZL2HUT on the Wellington Coastguard Comms

The General meeting this month will be an online meeting.

 Ian Hutchings, ZL2HUT will talk on :

Coastguard run a VHF Comms system around the Wellington Coast.

The on-line presentation and meeting will outline what was discovered when the system trouble shooters from the VHF group got busy on the network design and radio equipment.

Date: 30 April 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Google Meet or (09) 886 4223, pin 762 472 801#