April Meeting - Ian Hutchings ZL2HUT on the Wellington Coastguard Comms

The General meeting this month will be an online meeting.

 Ian Hutchings, ZL2HUT will talk on :

Coastguard run a VHF Comms system around the Wellington Coast.

The on-line presentation and meeting will outline what was discovered when the system trouble shooters from the VHF group got busy on the network design and radio equipment.

Date: 30 April 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Google Meet https://meet.google.com/zoa-bkio-noq or (09) 886 4223, pin 762 472 801#

Branch 50/74 Lunch and Shed Workshop Event

Homebrew Transceiver

On 1 March from 12 noon -3pm we will be meeting for a light lunch at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH

Branch 50 NZART will be ordering in a light fingerfood lunch (savouries and sandwiches) as the hosts for the joint event for Branch 50 and Branch 74 members.

Venue: Mike’s Garage, 2 Derry Hill, Churton Park (Please park on roadside outside QTH or on Amesbury Drive)

Tom Clarke ZL2TDD Silent Key

Tom Clarke ZL2TDD passed away on Saturday 26 October aged 75 years.

Tom was Treasurer of the VHF Group for many years and was a stalwart contributor to many Group projects as well as AREC events.

His funeral will held at St John's Anglican Church 18 Basset Rd Johnsonville at 10am on Thursday 31 of October at 10am