On 1 March from 12 noon -3pm we will be meeting for a light lunch at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH
Branch 50 NZART will be ordering in a light fingerfood lunch (savouries and sandwiches) as the hosts for the joint event for Branch 50 and Branch 74 members.
Venue: Mike’s Garage, 2 Derry Hill, Churton Park (Please park on roadside outside QTH or on Amesbury Drive)
We will have a special guest presenter – Charlie Morris ZL2CTM talking to us about homebrew transceiver design approaches.
Charlie has a range of experimental radios using quite different techniques. He has a global following of QRP and homebrew affiacondos who follow his latest creations. For example, check out his videos on Youtube and this review of an SDR design on Soldersmoke: http://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2016/02/zl2ctms-teensy-sdr-ssb-superhet-very.html
The session will end with tea and coffee at around 3pm (or just prior).