MAY 2014 Meeting - Simon ZL2UIV - Microwave Radio in the Philipines

This months meeting is Simon ZL2UIV talking on his trips to the Philippines. Simon has many years experience in the installation, commissioning and trouble shooting of microwave radio links, and has really "been there, done that" in the best and worst countries in the world.

Simon will be covering his work and other activities in the Philippines and it should be an entertaining and informative evening!

In addition to Simon's talk we will also be voting on the two remits at this months meeting.

Date: Thursday 29 May Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Tawa Community Centre

APRIL 2014 Meeting - ZL4JY - A new digital age - TRBO and P.25 - carried over from February

John has recently joined his MotoTurbo repeater as a node on the worldwide MotoTrbo network. This enables easy communications to nodes around the world using pre-set talk groups. MotoTrbo and P.25 continue the amateur tradition of converting commercial gear to amateur use in a way that takes it beyond the original use. There is also gear from amateur suppliers and plenty of used gear on Ebay and TradeMe. This is quite an exceptional direction for digital comms and an exciting direction for the amateur world.

Digital Television tests - Bulletin No 10

Members of the DATV Project Team recently met with representatives of several Government agencies to
discuss the final series of adjacent-channel spectrum compatibility tests.

Following the extensive series of field tests that have been carried out, and laboratory simulations using an output filter
consisting of a 6-pole cross-coupled bandpass filter plus a 6-notch filter, we expect a successful
outcome from the tests.

We are grateful to one of our corporate sponsors for the bandpass filter, and also to our member Steve ZL2ASF,
for the notch filter.

WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2014 – Friday the 18th of April, 2014

On Friday, the 18th of April, 2014, Radio Amateurs will celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, on the 89th Anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

This year's theme for World Amateur Radio Day is: "Amateur Radio: Your gateway to wireless communications"

For this event, Branch 74, The Wellington VHF Group Inc., has been granted use of the special callsign ZL2WARD.

ZL2WARD will be active on the National System.

An email QSL Card will be sent to all stations requesting one.

November 2013 Meeting - Bitcoins - A Brief Introduction

Randall ZL2RJP will present and demonstrate the new currency of choice for the internet generation. Bitcoins have varied in value and one consumer purchased a pizza for 10,000 bitcoins. Today That would buy you a nice house! At the time, it was about the right price

Bitcoins can be mined, earned, traded and converted to/from cash. See below for the audience requirements be be ready to trade with Randall on the night.

Date: Thursday 31 November
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Tawa Community Centre

Demonstration: Audience Participation Requirements

October 2013 Meeting - AGM and AREC AGM followed by Show and tell

The October meeting will be the Annual General Meeting of the VHF Group and the AREC Section. This will be followed by a show and tell session so bring along any projects you have been working on and share them with the group.

Date: Thursday 31 October
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Tawa Community Centre