Wellington VHF Group is looking for volunteers from within the group and from neighbouring radio clubs for an upcoming sports event - the 'Bike the Trail' event run by Upper Hutt and Hutt City (Lower Hutt) councils on Sunday 22 February.
The role that the Radio guys will be filling is that of safety marshal; both encouraging participants of this 24km cycle event from Upper Hutt to Lower Hutt, and also being a safety responder in the event of a mishap or a competitor requiring assistance. There will also be roles assisting at the Start and Finish areas (registering participants, etc) which may suit some of the less-able-bodied amongst us.
Volunteers need not necessarily be radio hams, nor need they necessarily be from Wellington VHF Group![1]
Coordination will be on a 2m frequency (likely one of the Hutt Repeaters) so the only gear required is a 2m handheld.
If you are available to assist please contact the Wellington VHF Group Webmaster via the Contact Form - Mark ZL1VMF is coordinating this event on behalf of the group. In return for our assistance, a donation will be made to the Group to help us continue our Amateur Radio efforts - in order to maximise the benefits to the group, we need as many volunteers as possible. Time commitment is flexible but would be for no longer than approx 4 hours between ~8am and midday.
(Although email/web contact is preferred, you can also contact Mark on 021 499 368.)
Thanking you in advance,
Mark Foster ZL1VMF
[1] Where assistance is received from other radio clubs, any donations made to our group will be proportionately distributed as appropriate.