



Congratulations to the Students of our recent Ham Radio Classes.

This from David Andrews, ZL2SX:

Hi all.

[On Tuesday] the last of the people who attended the Amateur Radio classes the group ran at Onslow Colleges, sat and passed the exam.
We can be proud that all who started completed the course, and passed their exams with marks between 85% & 100% !!

The New Calls are :-

Chris Conradie ZL2CCO
Alison Handley ZL2GAL
Ron Lovell ZL2BLU
Lynne Wallace ZL2LKW
Rachel Wallace ZL2RAC.

Congratulations to them and all concerned with this progress in advancing Amateur Radio!

Belmont Back Online

Updated 10 July 2008

The broken VHF Group 11kV line was repaired on the afternoon of 9 July. The Belmont repeater site was placed back online late in the afternoon the same day. It operated on battery power until the line-company reconnected the 11kV supply on the morning of 10 July 08.

New VHF Group Service for Members: Callsigns and Radio Examinations

The Wellington VHF Group is proud to announce a brand new service available to members:

Callsign Services & Amateur Radio Training / Certification Services are now available..

For more information please check out our Study Guide which details not only the Callsign services now offered by Wellington VHF Group, but also some outstanding training material prepared by the branch and made available to anyone interested.