
Projects of the Wellington VHF Group

7075 P25 Digital Under Test!

Colonial Knob 7075 has become, at least temporarily, the first Amateur Radio P25 digital voice repeater in New Zealand! How has this happened? Read on…

The Colonial Knob repeater at 7075 has undergone a comprehensive upgrade and is now Project P25 capable as a result of the failure of the original repeater equipment. Unfortunately this has happened at the same time that on-going repairs to the power line that feeds the Belmont 710 site has meant that there is only sufficient power to maintain the UHF National System facilities at Belmont.

APRS SIG: New OpenTrackers Arrived!

The October 2010 Special Interest Group (SIG) night looked at the new Opentracker units that were ordered as the APRS Bulk Purchase. Over $1000 of hardware was delivered to the eager members (or mailed out) and we looked at the hardware build quality, components, SW and configuration options. The cables provided look to be excellent value and well made. The GPS units locked on quickly and held positions even when we tried to block the signal, so are very sensitive.