Welcome Back to the Wellington VHF Group for Another Year

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Wellington VHF Group. This year promises to be an interesting and exciting time.

The National System Award 2009 is in full swing thanks to Dick ZL2TGQ who is running the event. Lots of traffic is seeing lots of points exchanged. The inclusion of Department of Conservation (DoC) parks and marine reserves has added an interesting dimension that is seeing points racked up from a number of DoC located stations. This concept was suggested by David ZL2SX and is based on a long-standing relationship between DoC and amateur radio. There seems to be as much fun giving out the points from these locations as there is gathering them.

NZART Council nominees will be coming out in the next copy of Break-In. The primary purpose of NZART is to maintain amateur radio spectrum and rights, and the promote amateur radio. To vote you must be a fully paid up member of NZART.

The Waikato VHF Group is calling for speakers and presentations for VHF Convention 2009. To support the Waikato VHF Group in making this event a success, Wellington VHF group Members are urged to contribute and attend. The convention is being held in Hamilton, New Zealand, during the 11th and 12th April, 2009.

Our first Group event for the year is our annual BBQ at Sladden Park, Moera, Lower Hutt. This is a fun event so come along with your radios, watercraft, radio controlled models, and any other toys.

At this stage a Fox Hunt is planned for the February meeting so dust off your fox-hunting gear and sharpen your direction finding skills for this hotly contested event!

Our Goals for 2009 are briefly listed below. To contribute please contact the lead and get involved.

GOAL / Lead
1. 11 Quality Q-Bits: Generate technical articles. Technical articles are always in short supply – write something for your Group. / ZL2TVM
2. Complete Belmont Tower upgrade. / ZL3TC / ZL2TVM
3. Obtain grants for upgrade of belmont National System equipment. / ZL2BRF
4. Complete Colonial Knob upgrade: / ZL4JY
- finish pole work
- install new VHF array
5. Complete Tawa AREC room and establish HF link / ZL4JY
6. New Hams: / ZL2HD
- Conduct HAM Classes in terms 1 & 3
- Sponsor 1 other branch to run HAM classes
- generate 6 new HAM's
7. Run a JOTA station. / ZL2WAL
8. Publicise the Group: / ZL2TGQ / ZL2VK
- Website revamp – addition of more pages
- More links form other sites
9. Software Defined Radio construction project. / ZL2VK
10. Review the Constitution. / ZL2BRF
11. Encourage and support those who want to get together and Contests


Brian Fearnley ZL2BRF

12th February - Committee Meeting.
Tawa Community Centre.

19th February - Q-Bit assembly.
Volunteers welcome, contact Gavin ZL2TVM.

26th February - Main Meeting: Foxhunt around Tawa
Prepare to find the hidden transmitters!
There is a prize and great fame for the winner!

WVHFG Categories