Kordia National System Award 2017 - Power Stations

This year to celebrate 20 years of the electricity market in New Zealand, the Kordia National System Award 2017 will have power stations as the theme.

For this award, power stations that are grid connected and over 0.1 MW are included. You need to be close as you can get while remaining in a public place, and able to see the station.

The name of the station needs to be included in the exchange and noted in the log.

You can claim the station you are operating from, and the station of amateur you are working. If you are at the power station, please note this in your log as being your QTH for the entry.

All contacts must be made over the UHF national system.

All entries will be verified by other logs and check logs, so please ensure you have the callsign of the other amateur correct, as well as the date, time and power station name.

The Award will start on Saturday 24th December 2016 and continue until the end of Monday 30th January 2017.

Log must be sent to The Awards Manager, Wellington VHF Group, 28 Hereford Street Wilton, Wellington 6012. Alternatively, logs can be electronic or scanned and emailed. Logs must be received by 28 February 2017, or electronic or scanned to awards@vhf.org.nz

Special note will be made for: number of power stations activated, total MW activated, number of award stations worked, total MW worked, number of contacts.

We are keen to receive photos of amateurs operating at power stations, as well as your photos of the stations. These can be emailed as soon as possible, please do not wait until your log is sent. Photos can be added to the facebook page Kordia National System Award (@zlnatsysaward).




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